Wednesday 21 May 2014

Forbidden names for puplic

My Name Has No Meaning You always felt like a name should have a story to it. A deep meaning. A connection. You name has none of these. ? It is common. In fact, most ppl call their babies name which turn out non meaningful. Q; My daughter is a half year old, and I called her Malika, and I heard that it is forbidden, is it forbidden ? Allah said: Those who do not believe in the Hereafter The so-called angels named female [al-najam: 27], such as that laib, if called by the male is nothing wrong, but this is where the female laiba is similar to the heathens. 2 - name giving as: Abrar Question: my brother Naming his daughter Abrar can he name it? Answer: It may be said that this sponsorship, and the Prophet Peace be upon him change the name of abrar and bara They should change it. * rehman is name of allah no muslim should name his surname after it. Rahman raheem gafoor is forbidde for muslims, but names like majid aziz can names by muslim. Names with unnoun meaning, shaitan names like walah, aangel names for girls,names after celebrities, idol names,name called by unmuslim and Christians name are not welcome for muslim babies and names for kuffar such as abu talib *The word Laaiba literally means "Player" or "Playful" which if named for a Hoor of Jannah would be befitting. However, for a Muslimah, although a baby now will not remain a baby and could have an effect on the personality of a person as mentioned in Ahadeeth where Nabi (saw) changed the name of Sahaaba's during his lifetime. I cannot recall if this name is mentioned in Hadeeth as being the name of a Hoor but the above should clarify that if true, it is suitable for a Hoor. A public note will be added to this question In-Shaa-Allah if sources are found. We would recommend that the name be changed if possible For muslim girls names and meaning see link below:- by A,k for baitul mukarram june 2014.

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