Friday 14 February 2014

Manzil duaas printable



Manzil is a collection of Ayat and short Surahs from the Quran that are to be recited as a means of protection and antidote - Ruqya from Black Magic, Jinn,Witchcraft, Sihr, Sorcery and the Evil Eye. In the tradition of Prophet Muhammad SAW, he was himself once targeted by sorcerers, but he annulled their effect through the recitation of the verses of the Quran. According to various traditions, different parts of the Quran are described to have a positive effect on an individual in terms of negating and preventing the effects of witchcraft, or for general well being and becoming a better practicing Muslim.These are 33 verses of the Quran which eliminate the affects of Magic and become a means of protection from Shayaten, thieves and harmful beasts and animals. (Shah Wali-ullah (RA): AlQawlul- Jameel)Maulana Muhammad Talha son of Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Zakariyya (RA) Says: “These are verses of the Quran which are known as “Manzil” in our family and elders of our family used to practise read these assiduously and ensure that all the children learned them in their childhood.

The Manzil comprises the following verses of the Quran:
Surah Al-Fatihah (chapter 1): verses 1 to 7
Surah Al-Bakarah (chazpter 2): verses 1 to 5, 163, 255 to 257, and 284 to 286
Surah Al-Imran (chapter 3): verses 18, 26 and 27
Surah Al-A'araf (chapter 7): verses 54 to 56
Surah Al-Israa (chapter 17): verses 110 and 111
Surah Al-Muminoon (chapter 23): verses 115 to 118
Surah Al-Saaffaat (chapter 37): verses 1 to 11
Surah Al-Rehman (chapter 55): verses 33 to 40
Surah Al-Hashr (chapter 59): verses 21 to 24
Surah Al-Jinn (chapter 72): verses 1 to 4
Surah Al-Kaafiroon (chapter 109): verses 1 to 6
Surah Al-Ikhlas (chapter 112): verses 1 to 4
Surah Al-Falaq (chapter 113): verses 1 to 5
Surah Al-Naas (chapter 114): verses 1 to 6
The entire manzil is prescribed to be read one or three times in one sitting. This may be performed once or twice a day, in the latter case once in the morning and once in the evening

Pdf files

■Arabic manzil

■English manzil

■Urdu manzil


■Urdu colorful manzil by bibihasslondon

Surah Yaseen

Qurani Wazaif Collection: Surah Yaseen: Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful Benefits of Surah Yaseen This surah is ‘M...

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Benefits of sura baqrah

Benefits of Surah Al-Baqara & blessings of this powerful chapter of Quran Do you have problem with job or business, family or with your husband/wife? Or can’t have kids or delayed from having kids? You are certain that you are under magic or evil eye? Are you suffering from a sickness or mental health? Is your marriage issues and the dream of building a family facing dead end? Do you want blessing descend upon you and your household and cover all your affairs? Are you suffering from constant nightmares? Inshallah this surah will help a lot . The Prophet said: « اقْرَأُوا الْبَقَرَةَ فَإِنَّ أَخْذَهَا بَرَكَةٌ وَتَرْكَهَا حَسْرَةٌ وَلَا تَسْتَطِيعُهَا الْبَطَلَة» Read Al-Baqarah, because in having it there is blessing, and in ignoring there is a sorrow and the sorceresses cannot memorize it. *. The messenger of Allah (SAW) also said: ‘Everything has a hump, and the hump of the Qur’an is Surat al-Baqara; if anyone recites it in his house during the night no devil will enter it for three nights; if anyone recites it in his house during the day-time no devil will enter it for three days.’ Ibn Hibban Tabarani and Baihaqi transmittted it from Sahl bin Sa’d, for whom Allah’s (swt) Good Pleasure is prayed. Some Stories: There have been reports of the people who had certain cancer and read it constantly and were cured. There is story of a man who came to magician and paid magician to perform a magic on a lady so he can have sex with her (fornication). But nothing happened, he came back in anger and said to the magician “I paid you to get me that girl and until now she didn’t come to me” so he (magician) answered: That lady reads Surah Al-Baqara and Al- Imran every day and there are angels up to the sky protecting her. So the man felt the power of Allah and repented and became a devout practicing Muslim. Then he proposed for her marriage and married her. By Sheikh Al-Jubair in his lecture “Forgotten tools”: About the famous businessman who suddenly became bankrupt and thought of a way to buy and sell in order to save his finance but failed again. Then he persistently read sura Al-Baqara and within few days his business went back to the way it used to be and sustenance came to him from everywhere. Blesses and Glory be to Allah the sustainer! A lady came and complained about the magic after she went to many sheikhs to read on her until one sheikh convinced her to read Al-Baqara in night prayer. Then she started suffering more from the Jin and the magician (it is normal process to recovery in the beginning of cure for magic). So the sheikh told her to keep on reading. After she did that, her magic was destroyed and she had many children after that. There are more stories but these were the few selected one. Many people may think that it will take 3 hours to read but if you cant read it fast,you read the last two ayats. Do not let the temptation of shaitan make you feel lazy. Read it and blow or spit in the water during your recitation then drink from that water and wash yourself for seven days. You may feel extremely sleepy during the recitation or after you wash yourself. This may means that there was some evil eye or magic in you which you are recovering As the shaitan will try his best to make you avoid reading it, he will try to make you feel lazy or sleepy or play with your mind to make you avoid it so you never get cure